A dark comedy-drama written, directed by, and starring Vincent Gallo. The story follows Billy Brown, a man recently released from prison after serving five years for a crime he committed. On his return, he kidnaps a young woman, Layla (Christina Ricci), and forces her to pose as his wife when he visits his estranged parents, hoping to impress them and convince them he’s turned his life around. As Billy struggles with his unresolved emotional issues, his complicated relationship with his parents becomes a central theme. Meanwhile, the unexpected bond that forms between Billy and Layla reveals deeper layers of vulnerability, healing, and redemption. The film is known for its quirky humor, distinctive visual style, and the raw, emotional performances of its leads.*********************************
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Doors open 19.00, and close 19.30! It is not possible to gain entrance after doors are closed.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Hypnos Theatre, Norra Grängesbergsgatan 15,Malmö, Sweden